How to get there
Wentworth Falls Picnic Area, Wentworth Falls Lookout
Sir H Burrell Drive
Darug and Gundungurra Country
Wentworth Falls, NSW, 2782
Lat. -33.7256213, Long. 150.3686399
Enter “Wentworth Falls tracks lookout” or “Blue Mountains Stargazing” in Google Maps and drive along. It is about a 1h20 drive from Sydney.
Google Maps pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/o9yyn9DTJ44ZzYNNA?g_st=ic
We will meet at Wentworth Falls Lookout at Wentworth Falls picnic area, 300 metres from the carpark, a short 4-min walk from the carpark. When you see the first lookout, Jamison lookout, please keep walking straight for 5 minutes until you see the second lookout, Wentworth Falls Lookout. Alternatively, you can be dropped off by car at the Wentworth Falls Lookout directly.
If you are taking the train, you can stop at Wentworth Falls train station.
Enjoy the 2-hour scenic train ride from Central Sydney.
A refreshing 35-minute stroll from Wentworth Falls Station, walk west along the A32 from the station and turn left on Falls drive. Keep walking all the way until you arrive at the picnic area. If you are joining our second tour, make sure you walk safely in the dark, bring a torch or check if you have enough battery on your phone if you use it as a torch.
You have arrived
Wentworth Falls lookout:
- is wheelchair-accessible
- has toilets that can be used at night (wheelchair-accessible)
- has two large wooden benches to sit down or lay down with the binoculars
- is a large spot that makes it easy for social distancing
- offers a fabulous 180-degree sunset vista of the lush Jamison Valley, Kings Tableland and Mount Solitary.
The picnic area is also the starting point of a variety of bushwalks for all ages including a magnificent view on the Wentworth Falls themselves.